Men's rights group banned from forming at university

Article here. Excerpt:

'A campaigner for 'men's rights' has been blocked from setting up an official forum for the second time.

Will Styles has been denied the chance to set up the group by the University Of Plymouth Student' Union (UPSU) - he says on the grounds that men do not suffer discrimination.

The 21-year-old has now handed back all his student voice awards as they've been "awarded by a body that does not represent the student voice".

Third year architecture student Will said the decision was "shocking" and argued that there is a women's forum on campus but no equivalent space for a male student to seek advice.'

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Gender hatred alive and encouraged at Plymouth Universty. Men need not apply. Most Australian Universities are similarly misandrist. So much for equity and diversity.

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Some pigs are more equal than others.

This is discrimination against men because men don't suffer discrimination.

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