Swedish women get hotline to report mansplaining

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women who have things mansplained to them in the workplace can now report it to a dedicated hotline.

Unionen, Sweden’s largest union, is encouraging members to call up when male colleagues give them unsolicited lectures on things they already understand.

The organisation, which represents 600,000 private sector workers, launched the advice line on Monday and said it will be open from 10am to 4pm everyday for a week as part of a campaign to highlight and stamp out the insidious and damaging practice.'

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I wonder when Swedish men will start applying for asylum in other countries?

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Who wants to go to a place where they take idiotic concepts like "mansplaining" seriously and they don't plow the roads because men use them more.

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It certainly is a joke when you have a government basically doing anything it can think of to please women--up to and including giving them a hotline to complain to when a man dares explain something or even just talk to them, and neglecting necessary infrastructure because it is used less often by women--and then claiming . . . women are oppressed.

Seems quite the opposite to me.

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