"Memo to White Male America"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am angry.

You want my skills, my experience, my heart, my patience, which you demand from me so that I can keep my health insurance? You're going to have to earn it back, White Male America. I'm done being patient with your ignorance, your microaggressions, your smug superiority. There will be no more smiling when you say, "Smile, it's not that bad!" I'm not going to do you any favors that do not compensate me for my time and effort, but "look good on a resume." And, from now on, you're getting out of the elevator first so that I can be the threatening presence behind you. And, boy, can I be a menace when I want to be.
You just created some wild new monsters. The only way you can silence us is with your stockpile of guns, but I assume you'll still go to jail for that.'

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As if only white men voted for DT! Well he could not have won w/out substantial vote numbers from, *gasp*, women AND minorities. But never let facts get in the way of a good bigoted rant.

And BTW, lots of white men voted for HRC, or maybe just stayed home -- because their party apparatus rigged their party's primary and foisted a very unpopular candidate on them. Talk about a betrayal. Whereas in the case of the GOP, the party faithful foisted a candidate on the party apparatus. It's really no surprise that Demo turnout was dismal. Betray the ppl and the ppl will betray you.

But the author can enjoy dining on bigotry and hatred. I am thinking she was doing so before today anyway.

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During the election I checked on my feminist cousin's FB page. She was having a meltdown. Afterwards she posted something similar to this article, indicating that white men support rape culture and hate women. Electing Donald Trump was her proof.

I gotta admit, I was really really shocked at the election results. At least my record for predicting presidential elections remains consistent. I have been wrong every time....Congrats to Thomas, I think he called it correctly here at MANN.

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First, they had an unappealing candidate.

Second, a lot of liberals think like this woman think: white men are all evil racists and sexist. They belong in that "basket of deplorables."

Third, they still can't figure out why telling voters they're "deplorables" doesn't win their vote. White men in particular are supposed to accept their guilt--and if they don't, it's more proof they're evil. Maybe white men got tired of being called "deplorables."

This race was not about race or gender. It was about people who thought Trump heard their concerns while Hillary turned a deaf ear to those concerns. As one blue-collar worker put it, Dems used to represent the working class. Now all they talk about is gays and transgenders. Like this woman, Dems were selling a message of hate more than a message of hope.

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Another big factor was the Dem stay-homes who didn't go vote. Why not? B/c the Dem party machine betrayed them. The DNC stacked the deck for HRC. It should've let done what primaries are for: pick the popular candidate to run in the general. Instead, the DNC delib. thwarted the will of the Dem voters and undermined Sanders while vaunting HRC. Many Dems were VERY unhappy by this act of bad faith. In a democracy, it's the will of the ppl that counts. If you blatantly undermine that, the ppl will punish you. And they did, by not turning out to vote. And so, they allowed DT to win. It was that simple.

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