Huma Abedin’s mom linked to shocking anti-women book

Article here. It all just gets weirder and weirder. Excerpt:

'As secretary of state, women’s-rights champ Hillary Clinton not only spoke at a Saudi girls school run by her top aide Huma Abedin’s ­anti-feminist mother, but Clinton invited the elder Abedin to participate in a State Department event for “leading thinkers” on women’s issues.

This happened despite ­evidence at the time that Saleha M. Abedin had explored the religious merits of sexual submissiveness, child marriage, lashings and stonings for adulterous women, and even the ­circumcision of girls.

The elder Abedin, whose daughter helps run Clinton’s presidential campaign, did take a pro-gender-equality stance on at least one issue: Muslim women’s right to participate in violent jihad alongside men.
Saleha is paid by the Saudi government to advocate and spread Sharia in non-Muslim countries like America.

In 1995, less than three weeks before Clinton gave her famous women’s-rights speech in Beijing, Saleha headlined an unusual Washington conference organized by the Council on American-Islamic Relations to lobby against the UN platform drafted by Clinton and other feminists. Visibly angry, she argued it runs counter to Islam and was a “conspiracy” against Muslims.
Asked if Clinton regrets honoring the Islamist mother and bestowing ­legitimacy on her extreme views, Merrill had no comment.'

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Just making sure that everyone is aware that Huma Abedin is married to Anthony Weiner (if you are not familiar with him, google him) Weiner was a congressman who got caught sending pics of his penis to some random woman, then tried to deny it, and blamed it on his surname and a prankser who mush have hacked his account. The whole ordeal was funny as things went from bad to worse for him, as he came up with ridiculous explanations (obvious lies), and then just when things died down, he got caught again.

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