UK: "Young men should turn their backs on pointless university degrees"

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is ironic that this female domination of campus comes at time when the feminists are still trying to sell us the lie that there is a ‘rape culture’ on aforementioned campus. I wonder how long they will be able to keep it up as some universities become women-only domains?

Perhaps, just perhaps, young men think they have better things to do with their time than study an arts degree for which they will be made to endure a compulsory consent workshop at the beginning of university. Perhaps young men do not want to be accused of rape before they set foot on a feminist-dominated campus. And all for the princely sum of £40,000 per degree, for which there is no guarantee that you will out-earn your non-graduate friends.
Mark my words, in 20 years time the feminists will be moaning that somehow, even though women ‘dominate university’, men still out-earn them. That is because men flock to STEM subjects, which do lead to higher paying degrees. In addition, some men will turn down an offer of a degree and accept an apprenticeship at PwC or an engineering apprenticeship with BT.'

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