Opinion Journal: Killing Due Process on Campus

Video here. Description:

'Editorial Board Member Joe Rago on the Department of Education’s latest regulatory overreach.'

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... can't grovel enough to foreign leaders and apologize for "American high-handedness" while acting as high-handed as can be toward his (supposedly) countrymen (eg: the Dear Colleague letter and Title IX abuse perpetrated by his D of E). Oh, I don't doubt that he's a US citizen. But I think for him that's a legal detail. I imagine he fancies himself a "citizen of the world", finding America has far too successful a history as a nation than it "deserves," so "social justice" is called for. This takes the form of implementing policies that are deliberately derimental to US interests both domestically and abroad.

Categorically, Obama is the single worst president we've ever had. Let's just hope we never get a douche-bag like this in the WH again.


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