Woman Arrested for Nearly Castrating Common-law Husband

Thomas pointed me to this article and writes "Fox News reports that an Ontario man was nearly castrated by his common-law wife during a domestic dispute. Fortunately, the woman was arrested. Unfortunately, Fox News saw fit to make a joke of the incident with the final comment, "(Sgt. Paul Malik of the Durham Regional Police) did not say whether the man's voice was in a noticeably higher pitch."

Obviously, Fox News would not make a joke of a woman who was mutilated by a man." You can send your comments to Fox News at topstories@foxnews.com. Update: The article's last line has been changed! Thanks to everyone who wrote in to them about this.Source: Fox [news network]

Title: Woman Nearly Rips Off Husband's Testicles in Domestic Spat

Author: Michael Y. Park

Date: August 28, 2001

NOTICE: This story was migrated from the old software that used to run Mensactivism.org. Unfortunately, user comments did not get included in the migration. However, you may view a copy of the original story, with comments, at the following link:


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