'Oracle of Wall Street' who predicted 2008 financial crash says rise in young, sexless men living with their parents will cause house prices to plunge 30%

Article here. Of all the misandrist claptrap... Excerpt:

'A financial analyst nicknamed the 'Oracle of Wall Street' has said a 'growing crisis of the young American male' will cause house prices to fall as much as 30 percent.

Meredith Whitney, who earned the title after predicting the financial crisis of 2007 - 2008, suggested young men increasingly living with their parents and disinterested in starting families will drastically reduce housing demand.

The trend of men refusing to settle in turn means more women are remaining single into later life, leaving them without the income or need for big family homes.

But it comes as baby boomers start to downsize, meaning there will be a surplus of available properties. Much of the last decade's gains in home values have been driven by high demand and low supply - a phenomenon, Whitney says, is reversing.

To explain the rise in men living at home, she pointed to the increasing prevalence of video games, starting in the mid-2000s.'

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