Women and children, feminists and misandry

Article here. Excerpt:

'Have you ever gotten in trouble or received a nasty look when holding an elevator door for an ultra-feminist woman, or pausing when the elevator door opens for all the women inside to get off or for those waiting outside first to get on? If you live outside America’s two Crazy Coasts, know with a certainty that this is not the era of “Ozzie and Harriet” and “Father Knows Best.” Donna Reed? Howzabout crazy left Joyce Reid of MSNBC? Father Knows Best? More like: “Father Is an Idiot and Is Barred by a Restraining Order from Seeing the Kids.”

The United States Supreme Court now has its first confirmed idiot, a woman of absolutely no distinction whatsoever, whose most famous moment in the public eye came when she could not define what a woman is. No? Truly no? In the world of Identity Politics, every woman knows precisely what a woman is if she needs a job and the employer is meeting quotas. All the gender fluidity disappears when a non-binary They/Them/Their applies for a federal grant for a “woman-owned business.” Suddenly “their” manifest a crystal-clear gender, as binary as two electric plug adapters.'

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